is a social bookmarking site which allows users to save, tag and share their favourite bookmarks to a central location. This enables them to be accessed from anywhere. It’s a great way to discover new and interesting sites. I’ve been aware of the existence of for some time now but have only just created an account. I found it to be an easy process and have added several bookmarks.
Technorati is the leading search engine for blogs. I’ve browsed the most popular page where blogs are organised into categories for easy access. Just to give you an idea of its scope - there’s the top 100 blogs by fans and by authority, top 15 searches, top videos, movies and news. I’ll definitely be subscribing to this page!
Basically LibraryThing is an online catalogue of your book collection. Once you have added your books you can access those that have been loaded by others. You can search for titles, sort and add tags to your books. It’s a great way to pick up new reading ideas and also to discuss books with other like minded people. You can see some recent titles that I've read on my LibraryThing widget. I know that I'm going to enjoy spending more time at this site!